TRILLIUM SPECIES and their SMELL Albidum Rose like scent Angustipetalum Nasty spicy-musty odour Apetalon Cernuum Chloropetalum Rose like scent Cuneatum Pleasant spicy or musty scent like vinegar others have a sweet fermenting fruit smell. Decipiens Decumbens Strong carrion odour Discolor Spicey-fragrant, slightly pungent (almost ammonical) Erectum Wet-dog smell Flexipes Foetidissimum Strong, nearly stifling, carrion smell Govanianum Gracile Odour like morel fungus ( Morchella) Grandiflorum Kamtschaticum Kurabayashii Spicy odour fetid with age Lancifolium Ludovicianum Musty carrion odour (Sweet pleasant smell by David Mellard) Luteum Strong, penetrating, lemon-oil scent Maculatum Delicate, spicey, banana like scent Nivale Organic fruity pleasant smell, rather like honey. Ovatum Parviflorum Clove like scent. Fragrence heavenly somewhat like Arbutus. Persistens Petiolatum Pusillum Recurvatum Reliquum Foetid smell Rivale Rugelii Sessile Spicy pungent smell Simile Those in the Smokies has a scent of wet dog or egg whites. Smallii Stamineum Strong carrion odour, extremely foetid Sulcatum Fragrance of fresh fungus Tschonoski Underwoodii Foetid carrion like odour Undulatum Vaseyi Viride Scent of rotten apples Viridescens Inoffensive musty-spicy odour |